How To Set Up An Angularjs Server On A Linux Machine

by | Feb 13, 2023 | Uncategorized

What Is Angularjs

A structural framework for dynamic web applications is Angularjs. You can extend HTML syntax to represent the components of your application in a clear and straightforward manner by using HTML as a template language. Data binding and dependency injection in Angularjs allow you to write a lot less code than you otherwise would. And since everything takes place in the browser, any server technology can work perfectly with it. What HTML should have been if it had been created for applications is Angularjs. We will learn how to install Angularjs on a Linux server in this post.

Characteristics of Angularjs

Therefore, creating a web application is an exercise in what needs to be done to get the browser to perform what you want it to. These approaches are frequently used to address impedance mismatches between dynamic applications and static documents:

Libraries are groups of valuable tools for building web applications. When necessary, your code is in charge and calls the library. Consider jQuery.

Framework: A particular web application implementation where the specifics are filled in by code. When something app-specific is required, the framework takes over and calls your code. Examples include Ember, Durandal, etc.

A different strategy is used by Angularjs. It works to reduce the impedance mismatch between document-centric HTML and what your application requires by introducing new HTML constructs. Angularjs uses directive-based building blocks to teach the browser new syntax. For instance:

  • data binding similar to
  • DOM pieces can be repeated, displayed, and hidden using this control structure. validation of forms and support for forms.
  • B. DOM event handling that gives DOM elements new behaviour, such as:
  • Create reusable HTML components from your HTML.

How To Set Up An Angularjs Server On A Linux Machine

In this guide, we are going to use Ubuntu 20.04 for showing how to install Angularjs.

  • To prevent mistakes in the following stages, first update and upgrade all systems to the most recent versions. To update and upgrade the system components, use the provided command.

# sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get update -y

  • Check your system’s node version after that. We need Nodejs as a requirement in order to install Angular JS. The backend’s cross-platform runtime environment for JavaScript is called Node JS. If Nodejs is not already installed, click the provided link to learn how to do so. To check the Node version, type the provided command.

# node -v

With the output, you can see that Node v18.10.0 is already installed on the system.

  • Additionally needed for Angularjs installation is Node Package Manager. Enter the command to install NPM.

# sudo apt install npm -y

  • You can use the provided command to determine the version of the node package management after installation.

# npm -v

  • Furthermore, NPM and Nodejs are already installed. The command provided can be used to install the Angularjs CLI.

# sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

  • Run the provided command to check the Angularjs version when the installation procedure is complete.

# ng version

If you receive this result from the ng version command, your installation is complete. The only thing left to do is choose the directory where you will compile and serve the application. We have finally finished the entire installation process for Angularjs on a Linux server.

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